Themes / Styles

The report modules allows you to use different themes for rendering html.

Use different Theme

You may select the theme to use in the option’s style settings:

CoffeeScript Code
report.toHtml style: 'my-theme' , (err, html) ->

If you don’t select one you will get the included default theme.

Location of Theme

The template and style files have to be named:

<theme>.hbs - handlebars template for outer page structure
<theme>.css - stylesheet for display

These files have to be available in any of the following paths:

General search path:


Within the report package installation path:

var/src/template - defaults in the source code
var/local/template - local within the installed program

In the report configuration:

/etc/report/template - global for the application
~/.report/template - user specific settings

Or within your own setup directories if you have them registered for template type usingalinex-config.

So if you have your own theme put the files in one of the above directories. The later ones have precedence.

Writing Theme

If you want to create your own theme you have to create the two template files.

Handlebars Template

This should have the name <theme>.hbs and may look like:

Handlebars Template
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="{{locale}}"> <head> <title>{{title}}</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> {{{join header ""}}} </head> <body><div id="page">{{{content}}}</div></body> </html>

As shown you may use the four variables:

  • locale - for the locale of the page
  • title - for the page title (first heading of report)
  • header - html header containing javascript and style links and code
  • content - the real report body


The default stylesheets are created on build time out of an Stylus file using also Axis and nib. But you don’t have to use it, you may use any language like LESS, Sass or raw CSS. In all cases you have to compile it to CSS under <theme>.css before adding it.

With styles a lot is possible. A good way may also be designing it on the fly in the developer tools of your browser on an example output file with empty css file to start with.