Inline Formats

These are only available on static calls not on a report instance! But you may add them into another instance method.

  • b - bold like __bold__
  • i - italic like _italic_
  • del - delete like ~~delete~~
  • sub - subscript like ~subscript~
  • sup - superscript like ^superscript^
  • tt - typewriter like `typewriter`
  • mark - marked text like highlighted with an text marker like ==marked==
CoffeeScript Code
report.p "This should show as #{Report.b "bold"} format." report.p "This should show as #{Report.i "italic"} format." report.p "This should show as #{Report.del "strikethrough"} format." report.p "This should show as #{ "typewriter"} format." report.p "This should show as #{Report.sub "subscript"} format." report.p "This should show as #{Report.sup "superscript"} format." report.p "This should show as #{Report.mark "highlight"} format."

You may also combine this calls feeding one result into the other method:

CoffeeScript Code
report.p "Water has the formula " + Report.b("H#{Report.sub 2}O") + " *v* ."

The markdown will look like:

Markdown Document
This should show as __bold__ format. This should show as _italic_ format. This should show as ~~strikethrough~~ format. This should show as `typewriter` format. This should show as ~subscript~ format. This should show as ^superscript^ format. This should show as ==highlight== format.

As an alternative syntax you may use *italic* or **bold** for this formats, too.

The complex example from above will look like:

Markdown Document
Water has the formula __H~2~O__.

And renders as HTML:

html html

And also in console some formats are interpreted:
