Special Signs

You may also include some special signs.


CoffeeScript Code
report.h3 "classic typographs: " report.ul [ "copyright: (c) (C)" "registeres: (r) (R) " "trademark: (tm) (TM) " "paragraph: (p) (P) " "math: +-" ]
Markdown Document
### classic typographs - copyright: (c) (C) - registeres: (r) (R) - trademark: (tm) (TM) - paragraph: (p) (P) - math: +-

And renders as HTML and console output:

html console


CoffeeScript Code
report.h3 "emoji:" report.ul [ """angry: :angry: >:( >:-(""" """blush: :blush: :") :-")""" """broken_heart: :broken_heart: </3 <\\3""" """confused: :confused: :/ :-/""" """cry: :cry: :,( :,-(""" """frowning: :frowning: :( :-(""" """heart: :heart: <3""" """imp: :imp: ]:( ]:-(""" """innocent: :innocent: o:) O:) o:-) O:-) 0:) 0:-)""" """joy: :joy: :,) :,-) :,D :,-D""" """kissing: :kissing: :* :-*""" """laughing: :laughing: x-) X-)""" """neutral_face: :neutral_face: :| :-|""" """open_mouth: :open_mouth: :o :-o :O :-O""" """rage: :rage: :@ :-@""" """smile: :smile: :D :-D""" """smiley: :smiley: :) :-)""" """smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: ]:) ]:-)""" """sob: :sob: ;( ;-(""" """stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :P :-P""" """sunglasses: :sunglasses: 8-) B-)""" """sweat: :sweat: ,:( ,:-(""" """sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: ,:) ,:-)""" """unamused: :unamused: :s :-S :z :-Z :$ :-$""" """wink: :wink: ;) ;-)""" ]
Markdown Document
### emoji: - angry: :angry: >:( >:-( - blush: :blush: :") :-") - broken_heart: :broken_heart: </3 <\3 - confused: :confused: :/ :-/ - cry: :cry: :,( :,-( - frowning: :frowning: :( :-( - heart: :heart: <3 - imp: :imp: ]:( ]:-( - innocent: :innocent: o:) O:) o:-) O:-) 0:) 0:-) - joy: :joy: :,) :,-) :,D :,-D - kissing: :kissing: :* :-* - laughing: :laughing: x-) X-) - neutral_face: :neutral_face: :| :-| - open_mouth: :open_mouth: :o :-o :O :-O - rage: :rage: :@ :-@ - smile: :smile: :D :-D - smiley: :smiley: :) :-) - smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: ]:) ]:-) - sob: :sob: ;( ;-( - stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :P :-P - sunglasses: :sunglasses: 8-) B-) - sweat: :sweat: ,:( ,:-( - sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: ,:) ,:-) - unamused: :unamused: :s :-S :z :-Z :$ :-$ - wink: :wink: ;) ;-)

And renders as HTML:


Text and console output are the same as the markdown.

Font Awesome

Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. You can use all the icons from FontAwesome to add to your markup (html only):

CoffeeScript Code
report.h3 "fontawesome:" report.p "basic icons: :fa-flag: :fa-camera-retro:" report.p "larger icons: :fa-camera-retro fa-lg: :fa-camera-retro fa-2x: :fa-camera-retro fa-3x:" report.p "fixed width: :fa-home fa-fw: :fa-pencil fa-fw:" report.ul [ "<!-- {ul:.fa-ul}-->" "list symbols: :fa-li fa-check-square:" ] report.p ":fa-quote-left fa-3x fa-pull-left fa-border: ...tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther... And then one fine morning— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." report.p "animated icons: :fa-spinner fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-refresh fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-cog fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-2x fa-fw:" report.p "flipped and rotated: :fa-shield: normal :fa-shield fa-rotate-90: fa-rotate-90 :fa-shield fa-rotate-180: fa-rotate-180 :fa-shield fa-rotate-270: fa-rotate-270 :fa-shield fa-flip-horizontal: fa-flip-horizontal :fa-shield fa-flip-vertical: fa-flip-vertical" report.p "stacked icons: :fa-stack fa-lg fa-stack-2x fa-square-o fa-stack-1x fa-twitter: :fa-stack fa-lg fa-stack-2x fa-circle fa-stack-1x fa-flag fa-inverse: :fa-stack fa-lg fa-stack-2x fa-square fa-stack-1x fa-terminal fa-inverse: :fa-stack fa-lg fa-stack-1x fa-camera fa-stack-2x fa-ban text-danger:"
  • Basic Icons

    You can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere as inline text using the icon’s name. The icon size and color will match the surrounding text paragraph.

    • Colors

    Use the classes text-red, text-green, text-yellow, text-blue, text-magenta, text-cyan or text-gray to change the colors.

  • Larger Icons

    To increase icon sizes relative to their container, use the fa-lg (33% increase), fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, or fa-5x classes.

  • Fixed Width

    Use fa-fw to set icons at a fixed width. Great to use when different icon widths throw off alignment. Especially useful in things like lists.

  • List Icons

    Use fa-ul and fa-li to easily replace default bullets in unordered lists.

  • Bordered Icons

    Use fa-border and fa-pull-right or fa-pull-left for easy pull quotes or article icons.

  • Animated Icons

    Use the fa-spin class to get any icon to rotate, and use fa-pulse to have it rotate with 8 steps. Works well with fa-spinner, fa-refresh and fa-cog.

  • Flipped and Rotated

    To arbitrarily rotate and flip icons, use the fa-rotate-* and fa-flip-* classes.

  • Stacked Icons

    To stack multiple icons, use the fa-stack-1x as start for the regularly sized icon, and fa-stack-2x for the larger icon and the icon itself with it’s manipulations like fa-inverse behind.

Markdown Document
### fontawesome: __basic icons:__ :fa-flag: :fa-camera-retro: __larger icons:__ :fa-camera-retro fa-lg: :fa-camera-retro fa-2x: :fa-camera-retro fa-3x: __fixed width:__ :fa-home fa-fw: :fa-pencil fa-fw: - <!-- {ul:.fa-ul}--> - __list symbols:__ :fa-li fa-check-square: :fa-quote-left fa-3x fa-pull-left fa-border: __border icons:__ ...tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther... And then one fine morning— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. __animated icons:__ :fa-spinner fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-refresh fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-cog fa-spin fa-2x fa-fw: :fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-2x fa-fw: __flipped and rotated:__ :fa-shield: normal :fa-shield fa-rotate-90: fa-rotate-90 :fa-shield fa-rotate-180: fa-rotate-180 :fa-shield fa-rotate-270: fa-rotate-270 :fa-shield fa-flip-horizontal: fa-flip-horizontal :fa-shield fa-flip-vertical: fa-flip-vertical __stacked icons:__ :fa-lg fa-stack-2x fa-square-o fa-stack-1x fa-twitter: :fa-lg fa-stack-2x fa-circle fa-stack-1x fa-flag fa-inverse: :fa-lg fa-stack-2x fa-square fa-stack-1x fa-terminal fa-inverse: :fa-lg fa-stack-1x fa-camera fa-stack-2x fa-ban text-red:

And renders as HTML and console output (click to show working HTML):

html html

In text and console output only the icons are kept in a compressed format. All modulations are removed.