
This will only work in HTML format, else the definition is displayed.

All of the visual effects allow the use of additional style settings as the last argument.

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.qr "", '.right'

This will be written in markdown as:

Markdown Document
$$$ qr {.right} $$$

Which will add a float: right style setting to the element.

QR Code

QR Codes are used to pack some information into a scanable 2D Object.

Simple Code

You only need to give the content like an URL:

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.qr ""

This will be written in markdown as:

Markdown Document
$$$ qr $$$

And finally in HTML and text or console output:

html console

QR Extended

You may also define how to make the code image:

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.qr content: '' padding: 1 width: 500 height: 500 color: '#ff0000' background: '#ffffff' ecl: 'M'
Markdown Document
$$$ qr content: '' padding: 1 width: 500 height: 500 color: '#ff0000' background: '#ffffff' ecl: M $$$

And finally in HTML and text or console output:

html console


A lot of charts are possible based on jui-chart. You’ll find all possible settings there or look at some of the examples below.

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.chart null, [ ['quarter', 'sales', 'profit'] ["1Q", 50, 35] ["2Q", 20, 100] ["3Q", 10, 5] ["4Q", 30, 25] ]

This makes a simple bar chart with predefined settings for your data. But you may also specify a lot of options and charts. The examples below shows the possible settings, but you only need to give some of them.

Markdown Document
$$$ chart | quarter | sales | profit | |:------- |:----- |:------ | | 1Q | 50 | 35 | | 2Q | 20 | 100 | | 3Q | 10 | 5 | | 4Q | 30 | 25 | $$$

This will render in HTML as (click to show in browser):


Bar Chart

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.chart width: 400 height: 400 axis: y: type: 'block' domain: 'quarter' line: 'true' x: type: 'range' domain: 'profit' line: 'rect' # dashed with gradient brush: [ type: 'bar' size: 15 target: ['sales', 'profit'] innerPadding: 10 ] widget: [ type: 'title' text: 'Bar Chart' , type: 'legend' , type: 'tooltip' ] , [ ['quarter', 'sales', 'profit'] ["2015/Q1", 50, 35] ["2015/Q2", 20, 100] ["2015/Q3", 10, 5] ["2015/Q4", 30, 25] ]
Markdown Document
$$$ chart width: 400 height: 400 axis: 'y': type: block domain: quarter line: 'true' x: type: range domain: profit line: rect brush: - type: bar size: 15 target: - sales - profit innerPadding: 10 widget: - type: title text: Bar Chart - type: legend - type: tooltip | quarter | sales | profit | |:------- |:----- |:------ | | 2015/Q1 | 50 | 35 | | 2015/Q2 | 20 | 100 | | 2015/Q3 | 10 | 5 | | 2015/Q4 | 30 | 25 | $$$

This will render in HTML as (click to show in browser):


3D Bar Chart

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.chart width: 400 height: 400 axis: x: type: 'range' domain: 'profit' step: 5 y: type: 'block' domain: 'quarter' c: type: 'grid3d' domain: ['sales', 'profit'] depth: 20 degree: 30 brush: [ type: 'bar3d' outerPadding: 10 innerPadding: 5 ] widget: [ type: 'title' text: '3D Bar Chart' , type: 'tooltip' , type: 'legend' ] , [ ['quarter', 'sales', 'profit'] ["2015/Q1", 50, 35] ["2015/Q2", 20, 100] ["2015/Q3", 10, 5] ["2015/Q4", 30, 25] ]

The markdown will contain the settings and the data table like above.

This will render in HTML as (click to show in browser):


Column Chart

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.chart width: 400 height: 400 axis: x: type: 'block' domain: 'quarter' y: type: 'range' domain: 'profit' step: 10 line: true brush: [ type: 'column' target: ['sales', 'profit'] , type: 'focus' start: 1 end: 1 ] widget: [ type: 'title' text: 'Column Chart with Focus' , type: 'tooltip' , type: 'legend' ] , [ ['quarter', 'sales', 'profit'] ["2015/Q1", 50, 35] ["2015/Q2", 20, 100] ["2015/Q3", 10, 5] ["2015/Q4", 30, 25] ]

The markdown will contain the settings and the data table like above.

This will render in HTML as (click to show in browser):


3D Column Chart

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.chart width: 400 height: 400 axis: x: type: 'block' domain: 'quarter' y: type: 'range' domain: 'profit' step: 5 c: type: 'grid3d' domain: ['sales', 'profit'] depth: 20 degree: 30 brush: [ type: 'column3d' outerPadding: 10 innerPadding: 5 ] widget: [ type: 'title' text: '3D Column Chart' , type: 'tooltip' , type: 'legend' ] , [ ['quarter', 'sales', 'profit'] ["2015/Q1", 50, 35] ["2015/Q2", 20, 100] ["2015/Q3", 10, 5] ["2015/Q4", 30, 25] ]

The markdown will contain the settings and the data table like above.

This will render in HTML as (click to show in browser):


Area Chart

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.chart width: 400 height: 400 axis: x: type: 'fullblock' domain: 'year' line: 'solid gradient' y: type: 'range' domain: [-100, 100] step: 10 line: 'gradient dashed' brush: [ type: 'area' symbol: 'curve' target: ['europe', 'switzerland', 'us'] ] widget: [ type: 'title' text: 'Area Chart' , type: 'legend' ] , [ ['quarter', 'sales', 'profit'] ["2015/Q1", 50, 35] ["2015/Q2", 20, 100] ["2015/Q3", 10, 5] ["2015/Q4", 30, 25] ]

The markdown will contain the settings and the data table like above.

This will render in HTML as (click to show in browser):



A language to describe UML diagrams using simple text, which fits perfectly into markdown. See for a complete language description. Some examples will follow:

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml "A -> B: Hello"

This sumple sequence diagram will be written into execution tags in markdown like:

Markdown Document
$$$ plantuml A -> B: Hello $$$

And finally this will render in HTML or text/console as:

html console

Sequence Diagram

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ participant User User -> A: DoWork activate A #FFBBBB A -> A: Internal call activate A #DarkSalmon A -> B: << createRequest >> activate B B --> A: RequestCreated deactivate B deactivate A A -> User: Done deactivate A """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And this will render in HTML or text/console as:

html console

Use Case Diagram

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ :Main Admin: as Admin (Use the application) as (Use) User -> (Start) User --> (Use) Admin ---> (Use) note right of Admin : This is an example. note right of (Use) A note can also be on several lines end note note "This note is connected to several objects." as N2 (Start) .. N2 N2 .. (Use) """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Class Diagram

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ class Foo1 { You can use several lines .. as you want and group == things together. __ You can have as many groups as you want -- End of class } class User { .. Simple Getter .. + getName() + getAddress() .. Some setter .. + setName() __ private data __ int age -- encrypted -- String password } """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Activity Diagram (old syntax)

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ (*) --> "Initialization" if "Some Test" then -->[true] "Some Activity" --> "Another activity" -right-> (*) else ->[false] "Something else" -->[Ending process] (*) endif """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Activity Diagram (new syntax)

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ :Ready; :next(o)| :Receiving; split :nak(i)< :ack(o)> split again :ack(i)< :next(o) on several line| :i := i + 1] :ack(o)> split again :err(i)< :nak(o)> split again :foo/ split again :i > 5} stop end split :finish; """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Component Diagram

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ package "Some Group" { HTTP - [First Component] [Another Component] } node "Other Groups" { FTP - [Second Component] [First Component] --> FTP } cloud { [Example 1] } database "MySql" { folder "This is my folder" { [Folder 3] } frame "Foo" { [Frame 4] } } [Another Component] --> [Example 1] [Example 1] --> [Folder 3] [Folder 3] --> [Frame 4] """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


State Diagram

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ scale 350 width [*] --> NotShooting state NotShooting { [*] --> Idle Idle --> Configuring : EvConfig Configuring --> Idle : EvConfig } state Configuring { [*] --> NewValueSelection NewValueSelection --> NewValuePreview : EvNewValue NewValuePreview --> NewValueSelection : EvNewValueRejected NewValuePreview --> NewValueSelection : EvNewValueSaved state NewValuePreview { State1 -> State2 } } """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Deployment Diagram

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ artifact artifact actor actor folder folder node node frame frame cloud cloud database database storage storage agent agent usecase usecase component component boundary boundary control control entity entity interface interface """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Object Diagram

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.plantuml """ object user { name = "Dummy" id = 123 } """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:



CoffeeScript Code
report.plantuml """ salt {+ {/ <b>General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving } { { Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ } [X] Smooth images when zoomed [X] Confirm image deletion [ ] Show hidden images } [Close] } """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ plantuml .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:



A library for creating flowcharts and diagrams out of text.

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.mermaid """ graph LR A-->B """

This sumple sequence diagram will be written into execution tags in markdown like:

Markdown Document
$$$ mermaid graph LR A-->B $$$

And finally this will render in HTML as:



Flowchart Syntax

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.mermaid """ graph LR A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle)) A --> C(Round Rect) B --> D{Rhombus} C --> D """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ mermaid .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Sequence Diagram

Sequence Syntax

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.mermaid """ sequenceDiagram Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>John: How about you John? Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks! Bob-x John: I am good thanks! Note right of John: Bob thinks a long<br/>long time, so long<br/>that the text does<br/>not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you? """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ mermaid .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:


Gantt Diagram

Gantt Syntax

CoffeeScript Code
report = new Report() report.mermaid """ gantt title A Gantt Diagram section Section A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d Another task :after a1 , 20d section Another Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d anther task : 24d """

The markdown is nearly the same but with $$$ mermaid .... $$$ arround the code.

And in HTML this will look like:
