
Path: /src/type/handlebars.coffee compiled to /lib/type/handlebars.js

Validate a possible handlebar template and return the function to directly use it.

A template function or template source or normal text are all valid and result in returning a function which may be called with a context will return the template’s resulting text.

A text which may contain handlebars syntax will be compiled into a function which if called with the context object will return the resulting text.

CoffeeScript Code
validator.check name: 'test' # name to be displayed in errors (optional) value: 'hello {{name}}' # value to check schema: # definition of checks type: 'handlebars' , (err, result) -> # then use it console.log result name: 'alex' # this will output 'hello alex'

Within the handlebars templates you may use:

Schema Specification

Handlebars are a handlebars schema definition.

An object with the following keys allowed: title, description, key, type, optional, default. The following entries have a specific format:


Title is the title used to describe the element.

A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


Description is the free description of the element.

A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


Binding to Keyname is the mapping to which key names in an object this element belongs.

A valid regular expression which is optional. It has to be one of the following types:

  • An object which has to be an instance of class RegExp.
  • A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. The text should match: /^/.?/[gim]$/.

Type is the type of element.

A text entry in which all control characters will be removed.


Optional is a flag defining if this element is optional.

A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


Default Value is the default value to use if nothing given.

It has to be one of the following types (optional):

  • Template is the default template text to use.

    A text entry in which all control characters will be removed.

  • Function is the default function to use.

    The value has to be a function/class.