
Path: /src/helper/ compiled to /lib/helper/reference.js

References point to values which are used instead. You can use references within the structure data which is checked and also within the check conditions. Not everything is possible, but a lot - see below.


The syntax looks easy but has a lot of variations and possibilities.

<<<source://path | source://path | default>>>
<<<source://path#{type:"integer"} | source://path | default>>>

Within the curly braces the source from which to retrieve the value is given. The source is given in form of an URI. Like you see in line two you may use multiple fallback URIs and also a default value at last. And at last in the third line you see how to add a special check condition after an URI. If this fails the next URI is checked.

The path may also have different possibilities based on the source protocol type.


You may also combine the resulting value(s) of the reference(s) into one string:


This will result in localhost:8080 as example.

Data Sources

The following examples shows the different possible data sources with their URI syntax and usage.

Value Structure

The struct protocol is used to search for the value in the current data structure.

If you don’t use a protocol on the first alternative it is assumed as structure call so you may use the shortcut:

<<<name>>>            # shortcut
<<<struct://name>>>   # same result

But this is really only possible in the first alternative because in each other it will be assumed as default value.

Absolute path


Like in the first line you give the path to the value which will be used. In the second line field is an array and the first value of it will be used.

Relative path


This will search for the relative node in the current path backwards and then for the field subentry which value is used. It will look for the neighbor elements, the parent and it’S neighborts and so on back to root.

In relative paths you can also make backreferences like in the filesystem. So line 2 makes no difference but line 3 of the examples goes one level up.


See below in the path locator description for the more complex search patterns.


Here you may also go into a file which is referenced:


Searches for a field named ‘file’, if it is defined as type ‘file’ it is already red. Then the above call will go to the element ‘’ and extracts the first line of it.


This may only be used within the schema definuition and allows to reference data elements within the schema definition.


The current path in the value will be kept for relative references.

This allows to have names as values in your data structure which are checked to be defined on another level in the data structure like in the following simplified example.


CoffeeScript Code
shema = type: 'object' keys: list: type: 'array' entries: type: 'string' default: type: 'string' values: '<<<data://list>>>' value = list: ['test1', 'test2'] default: 'test2'


Additional to the validating structure which have to be completely checked an additional context structure may be given. The values therein are not validated but can be used in the references.

This allows you to reference to already validated or system internal information.

<<<context:///absolute/* /min>>>

The syntax is nearly the same as for the value structure but relative paths makes no sense because you don’t have a base position in the structure.

This is also used if you want to reference some part of the value from the schema definition. You can check for a valid name which is defined elsewhere in the value structure like follows:


  type: 'object'
  entries: [
    type: 'handlebars'
  type: 'string'
  list: '<<<context:///templates>>>'


  first: "Wellcome {{name}}"
  ongoing: "Hello {{name}}"
default: 'ongoing'

The context may also contain other information like the ‘currentDir’ to be used in the ‘file’ and ‘command’ protocols.


The following syntax allows to read from an environment variable which may be set on start of the program or before.


This uses the content of the MY_HOME environment variable.

File Paths

File paths should be given absolute because relative paths are calculated from the current working directory. But you can set the used base directory as context setting ‘currentDir’, too.


This will load the content of a text file (line 1) or use only line number 14 of the file. separated by a colon you can also specify which column (character) range to use. And in the last example line the file has to contain some type of structured information from which the given element path will be used.

Web Ressources

Only use a valid URL therefore:


It is not allowed to use a # anchor in the URL. But you may use the # anchor to access a specific line or structured element.

Possible protocols are:

  • http like http://domain:port/...
  • https like https://domain:port/...

And you may connect to UNIX Sockets like http://unix:/absolute/unix.socket:/request/path but the paths have to be absoulte.


The complete path will be execute as if it is typed into the command line on the current directory or the one given in work.dir.

<<<cmd://df -h>>>

It will use the value returned on STDOUT.

Note: If you use pipes remove the space before or behind, because if you have both it is recognized as alternative reference.

<<<cmd://cat test/data/poem| head -1>>>

Path Locator

They may be used directly as the path in struc references or as anchor to get a subvalue (region).


Multiple anchors are possible to specify a next subsearch like:

<<struct:///absolute.field#1>> <<<file:///data/book.yml#publishing.notice#2-4>>>

That means then either a # character comes up the search will use this value and uses the rest of the path on this.

It is also possible to inject references through the referenced field like:

<<struct://>> file = <<<file:///myconfig.yml>>>

This means that the file element of the structure will be used and as this is also a reference the value of this will first be retrieved by the reference to the myconfig.yml file. Then the result comes back the main path will be followed and the specific element is used.

But to keep the system secure not any context can be used in another one. The Following list shows the precedence and can only be used top to bottom.

  1. environment
  2. struct
  3. context
  4. file, command
  5. web
  6. value structure or range in value are always possible

Within the same level references between both are possible.

This keeps the security, so that a user can not compromise the system by injecting references to extract internal data.

To use the resulting value as datasource and only use some part of it you may first convert it if it is a text entry. If nothing of the following is specified but a range or object selection comes it will be automatically converted using defaults.


A split generates a two-dimensional array (rows and columns) out of a simple text. It is used for range selections.

%\n - split in lines and characters
%\n//\t - split by newline and tab
%\n//\t - split by newline and tab
%\n//;\\s* - csv like reader with optional spaces

The separator may be a simple string or an regular expression (as string). The resulting array has:

[0] = null
[1][0] = row 1 as text
[1][1] = text of row 1, column 1

If no other path follows better always add a # at the end to prevent problems if last separsator is a whitespace.


Alternatively to splits you may use an regular expression on your text. You can use range selections also, but without column specifier.

/.../ - give an regular expression `/g` is used automatically

The resulting array has the found results in elements 1…n.


Additional to the two methods above this can do complex transformations into object structures to do object selections later.

$js - parse javascript to object
$json - JSON to object
$yaml - YAML to object
$xml - XML to object
...and more
$auto - try to autodetect correct parser

See formatter for all possible formats and examples of them.

Range Selection

If the given value is a text it will be splitted into lines and characters.

Within a text element you may use the following ranges:

3 - specific row as string
3-5 - specific row range as array
3,5 - specific row and column as array
3,5-8 - specific column range in row as array
1-2,5-8 - specific row and column range as array
3[2] - specific element (2nd element of third line) as string
3[2-4] - specific elements (2nd to 4th element of third line) as array
3[2-4,8],4[2] - and all combined ;-)

The result may be a single value, an array or an array of arrays depending on the selected result.

Object Selection

If it is a structured information you may specify the path by name:

name - get first element with this name
group/sub/name - get element with path

You can search by using asterisk as directory placeholder or a double asterisk to go multiple level depth:

name/* /min - within any subelement
name/* /* /min - within any subelement (two level depth)
name/** /min - within any subelement in any depth

You may also use regexp notation to find the correct element:

name/test[AB]/min - pattern match with one missing character
name/test\d+/min - pattern match with multiple missing characters

See the [Mozilla Developer Network]( JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp) for the possible syntax but without modifier.


As opposite to split and match the results maybe joined together into a single string using some separators.

$join , - using , as separator
$join \n//, - using newline for first level and , as separator below
name/test\d+/min - pattern match with multiple missing characters

If no other path follows better always add a # at the end to prevent problems if last separsator is a whitespace.


It is possible to validate a value within the path using the validator itself.

{type: 'integer'}

Therefore this part of the path have to be a javascript object.