
Path: /src/type/ compiled to /lib/type/array.js

A list of something.

Sanitize options:

  • delimiter - allow value text with specified list separator (it can also be an regular expression)

Check options:

  • notEmpty - set to true if an empty array is not valid
  • minLength - minimum number of entries
  • maxLength - maximum number of entries
  • toArray - convert scalar values into array

Validating children:

  • entries - specification for all entries or as array for each element

Formatting options:

  • shuffle - set to true to shuffle elements on validation

  • format - one of ‘simple’, ‘pretty’, ‘json’

    data = [1, 2, 3, 'a', {b: 1}, ['c', 9]]
    # simple -> "1, 2, 3, a, [object Object], c,9"
    # pretty -> "1, 2, 3, 'a', { b: 1 }, [ 'c', 9 ]"
    # json -> '[1,2,3,"a",{"b":1},["c",9]]'

Schema Specification

Array is the array schema definitions.

An object with the following keys allowed: delimiter, toArray, unique, notEmpty, minLength, maxLength, list, entries, shuffle, format, title, description, key, type, optional, default. The following entries have a specific format:


Delimiter is the delimiter to split given string into list.

It has to be one of the following types (optional):

  • Characters are the characters to be used as explicit delimiter.

    A text entry in which all control characters will be removed.

  • RegExp is the expression to split into list.

    An object which has to be an instance of class RegExp.


To Array is a flag to automatically pack other data into an array.

A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


Unique is a flag to remove duplicate entries in list.

A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


Not Empty is a flag to not allow an empty list.

A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


Minimum is the minimum number of elements in list.

An integer value which is optional. The value should be greater than 0.


Maximum is the maximum number of elements in list.

An integer value which is optional. The value should be greater than <<>>.


Specific Formats are the schema for each element.

A list which is optional. Each entry has to be of type object:

Element Format is the schema definition for a specific element.

An object with the following keys have to be present: type.


Element Format is the general schema definition for the entries.

An object which is optional. The following keys have to be present: type.


Shuffle is the list will be shuffled to get a random order.

A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


Format is the type of output format to use.

A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘simple’, ‘pretty’, ‘json’ are allowed.


Title is the title used to describe the element.

A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


Description is the free description of the element.

A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


Binding to Keyname is the mapping to which key names in an object this element belongs.

A valid regular expression which is optional. It has to be one of the following types:

  • An object which has to be an instance of class RegExp.
  • A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. The text should match: /^/.?/[gim]$/.

Type is the type of element.

A text entry in which all control characters will be removed.


Optional is a flag defining if this element is optional.

A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


Default Value is the default value to use if nothing given.

A list which is optional.