Path: /src/type/json.coffee compiled to /lib/type/json.js

This format uses the javascript object notation a human readable structure. It is widely used in different languages not only JavaScript. See description at Wikipedia.

Common file extension json.

{ "null": null, "boolean": true, "string": "test", "number": 5.6, "date": "2016-05-10T19:06:36.909Z", "list": [1, 2, 3], "person": { "name": "Alexander Schilling", "job": "Developer" }, "complex": [ {"name": "Egon"}, {"name": "Janina"} ] }

JSON’s basic data types are:

  • Number: a signed decimal number that may contain a fractional part and may use exponential E notation, but cannot include non-numbers like NaN.
  • String: a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters. Strings are delimited with double-quotation marks and support a backslash escaping syntax.
  • Boolean: either of the values true or false
  • Array: an ordered list of zero or more values, each of which may be of any type. Arrays use square bracket notation with elements being comma-separated.
  • Object: an unordered collection of name/value pairs where the keys are strings. Objects are delimited with curly brackets and use commas to separate each pair, while within each pair the colon ‘:’ character separates the key or name from its value.
  • Date: will be formatted as ISO string and stay as string after parsing
  • null: An empty value, using the word null

Whitespace (space, horizontal tab, line feed, and carriage return) is allowed and ignored around or between syntactic elements.

JSON won’t allow comments but you may use JavaScript like comments using // and /*...*/ like known in javascript. Therefore use the javascript parsing described below.

Format Options:

  • indent - Integer number of spaces or text to indent each level (defaults to 2 spaces)

With indent: 0 the above example would look like:

{"null":null,"boolean":true,"string":"test","number":5.6,"date":"2016-05-10T19:06:36.909Z", "list":[1,2,3],"person":{"name":"Alexander Schilling","job":"Developer"}}