
Path: /src/ compiled to /lib/configSchema.js

The configuration is the same for tunneling and remote executions and is defined in three parts:


This defines the preconfigured server connections which are used as connection or for tunneling, too. All information like access and authenticate are contained as an object.

SSH Connection List is the list of possible ssh connections, the first working will be used.

An object. The entries are:

  • any key: SSH Connections are a list of ssh connection alternatives.

    A list. Each entry has to be of type object:

    SSH Connection is a ssh connection setting.

    An object with the following keys have to be present: host, port. The following keys are allowed: forceIPv4, forceIPv6, username, password, privateKey, passphrase, localHostname, localUsername, keepaliveInterval, keepaliveCountMax, readyTimeout, strictVendor, algorithms, compress, debug. The following entries have a specific format:


    Hostname or IP Address is the hostname or IP address to connect to.

    It has to be one of the following types:

    • Hostname is the hostname to connect to.

      A valid hostname. This has to be a valid name according to RFC 1123

    • IP Address is the IP address to connect to.

      A valid IP address as string.


    Port Number is the port on which to connect using ssh protocol.

    A TCP/UDP port number or name which is optional and will be set to 22 if not specified. It has to be one of the following types:

    • An integer value. The value should be between 0 and 65535.
    • A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘rtmp’, ‘acr-nema’, ‘afbackup’, ‘afmbackup’, ‘afpovertcp’, ‘afs3-bos’, ‘afs3-callback’, ‘afs3-errors’, ‘afs3-fileserver’, ‘afs3-kaserver’, ‘afs3-prserver’, ‘afs3-rmtsys’, ‘afs3-update’, ‘afs3-vlserver’, ‘afs3-volser’, ‘amanda’, ‘amandaidx’, ‘amidxtape’, ‘amqp’, ‘aol’, ‘asf-rmcp’, ‘asp’, ‘at-echo’, ‘at-nbp’, ‘at-rtmp’, ‘at-zis’, ‘auth’, ‘bacula-dir’, ‘bacula-fd’, ‘bacula-sd’, ‘bgp’, ‘bgpd’, ‘bgpsim’, ‘biff’, ‘binkp’, ‘bootpc’, ‘bootps’, ‘bpcd’, ‘bpdbm’, ‘bpjava-msvc’, ‘bprd’, ‘canna’, ‘cfengine’, ‘cfinger’, ‘chargen’, ‘cisco-sccp’, ‘clc-build-daemon’, ‘clearcase’, ‘cmip-agent’, ‘cmip-man’, ‘codaauth2’, ‘codasrv’, ‘codasrv-se’, ‘conference’, ‘courier’, ‘csnet-ns’, ‘csync2’, ‘customs’, ‘cvspserver’, ‘daap’, ‘datametrics’, ‘daytime’, ‘db-lsp’, ‘dcap’, ‘dhcpv6-client’, ‘dhcpv6-server’, ‘dicom’, ‘dict’, ‘dircproxy’, ‘discard’, ‘distcc’, ‘distmp3’, ‘domain’, ‘echo’, ‘eklogin’, ‘enbd-cstatd’, ‘enbd-sstatd’, ‘epmd’, ‘exec’, ‘f5-globalsite’, ‘f5-iquery’, ‘fatserv’, ‘fax’, ‘fido’, ‘finger’, ‘font-service’, ‘freeciv’, ‘frox’, ‘fsp’, ‘ftp’, ‘ftp-data’, ‘ftps’, ‘ftps-data’, ‘gdomap’, ‘gds-db’, ‘ggz’, ‘git’, ‘gnunet’, ‘gnutella-rtr’, ‘gnutella-svc’, ‘gopher’, ‘gpsd’, ‘gris’, ‘groupwise’, ‘gsidcap’, ‘gsiftp’, ‘gsigatekeeper’, ‘hkp’, ‘hmmp-ind’, ‘hostmon’, ‘hostnames’, ‘http’, ‘http-alt’, ‘https’, ‘hylafax’, ‘iax’, ‘icpv2’, ‘idfp’, ‘imap2’, ‘imap3’, ‘imaps’, ‘imsp’, ‘ingreslock’, ‘ipp’, ‘iprop’, ‘ipsec-nat-t’, ‘ipx’, ‘irc’, ‘ircd’, ‘ircs’, ‘isakmp’, ‘iscsi-target’, ‘isdnlog’, ‘isisd’, ‘iso-tsap’, ‘kamanda’, ‘kazaa’, ‘kerberos4’, ‘kerberos’, ‘kerberos-adm’, ‘kerberos-master’, ‘kermit’, ‘klogin’, ‘knetd’, ‘kpasswd’, ‘kpop’, ‘krb-prop’, ‘krbupdate’, ‘kshell’, ‘kx’, ‘l2f’, ‘ldap’, ‘ldaps’, ‘link’, ‘linuxconf’, ‘loc-srv’, ‘login’, ‘log-server’, ‘lotusnote’, ‘mailq’, ‘mandelspawn’, ‘mdns’, ‘microsoft-ds’, ‘mmcc’, ‘moira-db’, ‘moira-update’, ‘moira-ureg’, ‘mon’, ‘mrtd’, ‘msnp’, ‘msp’, ‘ms-sql-m’, ‘ms-sql-s’, ‘mtn’, ‘mtp’, ‘munin’, ‘mysql’, ‘mysql-proxy’, ‘nameserver’, ‘nbd’, ‘nbp’, ‘nessus’, ‘netbios-dgm’, ‘netbios-ns’, ‘netbios-ssn’, ‘netnews’, ‘netstat’, ‘netwall’, ‘nextstep’, ‘nfs’, ‘ninstall’, ‘nntp’, ‘nntps’, ‘noclog’, ‘npmp-gui’, ‘npmp-local’, ‘nqs’, ‘nrpe’, ‘nsca’, ‘ntalk’, ‘ntp’, ‘nut’, ‘omirr’, ‘omniorb’, ‘openvpn’, ‘ospf6d’, ‘ospfapi’, ‘ospfd’, ‘passwd-server’, ‘pawserv’, ‘pcrd’, ‘pipe-server’, ‘pop2’, ‘pop3’, ‘pop3s’, ‘poppassd’, ‘postgresql’, ‘predict’, ‘printer’, ‘proofd’, ‘prospero’, ‘prospero-np’, ‘pwdgen’, ‘qmqp’, ‘qmtp’, ‘qotd’, ‘radius’, ‘radius-acct’, ‘radmin-port’, ‘re-mail-ck’, ‘remctl’, ‘remotefs’, ‘remoteping’, ‘rfe’, ‘ripd’, ‘ripngd’, ‘rje’, ‘rlp’, ‘rmiregistry’, ‘rmtcfg’, ‘rootd’, ‘route’, ‘rpc2portmap’, ‘rplay’, ‘rsync’, ‘rtcm-sc104’, ‘rtelnet’, ‘rtsp’, ‘saft’, ‘sa-msg-port’, ‘sane-port’, ‘search’, ‘sftp’, ‘sge-execd’, ‘sge-qmaster’, ‘sgi-cad’, ‘sgi-cmsd’, ‘sgi-crsd’, ‘sgi-gcd’, ‘shell’, ‘sieve’, ‘silc’, ‘sip’, ‘sip-tls’, ‘skkserv’, ‘smsqp’, ‘smtp’, ‘smux’, ‘snmp’, ‘snmp-trap’, ‘snpp’, ‘socks’, ‘spamd’, ‘ssh’, ‘submission’, ‘sunrpc’, ‘supdup’, ‘supfiledbg’, ‘supfilesrv’, ‘support’, ‘suucp’, ‘svn’, ‘svrloc’, ‘swat’, ‘syslog’, ‘syslog-tls’, ‘sysrqd’, ‘systat’, ‘tacacs’, ‘tacacs-ds’, ‘talk’, ‘tcpmux’, ‘telnet’, ‘telnets’, ‘tempo’, ‘tfido’, ‘tftp’, ‘time’, ‘timed’, ‘tinc’, ‘tproxy’, ‘ulistserv’, ‘unix-status’, ‘urd’, ‘uucp’, ‘uucp-path’, ‘vboxd’, ‘venus’, ‘venus-se’, ‘vnetd’, ‘vopied’, ‘webmin’, ‘webster’, ‘who’, ‘whois’, ‘wipld’, ‘wnn6’, ‘x11-1’, ‘x11-2’, ‘x11-3’, ‘x11-4’, ‘x11-5’, ‘x11’, ‘x11-6’, ‘x11-7’, ‘xdmcp’, ‘xinetd’, ‘xmms2’, ‘xmpp-client’, ‘xmpp-server’, ‘xpilot’, ‘xtel’, ‘xtell’, ‘xtelw’, ‘z3950’, ‘zabbix-agent’, ‘zabbix-trapper’, ‘zebra’, ‘zebrasrv’, ‘zephyr-clt’, ‘zephyr-hm’, ‘zephyr-srv’, ‘zip’, ‘zope’, ‘zope-ftp’, ‘zserv’ are allowed.

    Force to use IPv4 is a flag to only use resolved IPv4 address for host.

    A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


    Force to use IPv6 is a flag to only use resolved IPv6 address for host.

    A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


    Username is the username to use for the connection.

    A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


    Password is the password for user based authentication.

    A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


    Private Key is the private key file to use for OpenSSH authentication.

    A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


    Passphrase is the passphrase used to decrypt an encrypted private key.

    A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


    Local Hostname is the host used for hostbased user authentication.

    A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


    Local User is the username used for hostbased user authentication.

    A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


    Keepalive Interval is the interval for the keepalive packets to be send.

    A time interval as float, in time format or as text which may use a combination of values with the units: ms, s, m, h, d which is optional and will be set to 1000 if not specified. The result will be given as the number of ms. A numeric floating point number.


    Keepalive Tries are the number of unanswered SSH-level keepalive packets that can be sent to the server before disconnection.

    An integer value which is optional. The value should be greater than 0.


    Ready TImeout is the time to wait for the ssh handshake to succeed.

    A time interval as float, in time format or as text which may use a combination of values with the units: ms, s, m, h, d which is optional and will be set to 20000 if not specified. The result will be given as the number of ms. A numeric floating point number.


    Strict Vendor Check is a flag to performs a strict server vendor check before sending vendor-specific requests, etc…

    A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


    Algotithms are the transport layer algorithms to use.

    A list which is optional. Each entry has to be of type string:

    Algorithm is an allowed transport layer algorithm.

    A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘kex’, ‘cipher’, ‘serverHostKey’, ‘hmac’, ‘compress’ are allowed.


    Compression is a flag to enable compression if server supports it or force it.

    It has to be one of the following types (optional):

    • Force Compression is a setting to force compression use.

      A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘force’ are allowed.

    • Compression Allowed is a flag to allow/disallow compression.

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false.


    Extended Debug is the DEBUG=exec.ssh messages are extended with server communication.

    A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional. The list will be shuffled to get a random order.



Groups will build alternative hosts to be used for a special task. While multiple connections are alternative ways to the same host here you group different ones together. They can be used to select the best (the one with the best free load) one to use or you may step over all of them to do something on all occurrences of a cluster.

Groups are the setup of alternative server groups.

An object. The entries are:

  • any key: Group is the setup of an alternative server group.

    A list. At least 1 elements should be given. Each entry has to be of type or:

    SSH Connection is the ssh connection to use.

    It has to be one of the following types:

    • SSH Connection Reference is the reference name for an defined ssh connection under config ‘/ssh/NAME’.

      A text entry in which all control characters will be removed.

    • SSH Connections are a list of ssh connection alternatives.

      A list. Each entry has to be of type object:

      SSH Connection is a ssh connection setting.

      An object with the following keys have to be present: host, port. The following keys are allowed: forceIPv4, forceIPv6, username, password, privateKey, passphrase, localHostname, localUsername, keepaliveInterval, keepaliveCountMax, readyTimeout, strictVendor, algorithms, compress, debug. The following entries have a specific format:


      Hostname or IP Address is the hostname or IP address to connect to.

      It has to be one of the following types:

      • Hostname is the hostname to connect to.

        A valid hostname. This has to be a valid name according to RFC 1123

      • IP Address is the IP address to connect to.

        A valid IP address as string.


      Port Number is the port on which to connect using ssh protocol.

      A TCP/UDP port number or name which is optional and will be set to 22 if not specified. It has to be one of the following types:

      • An integer value. The value should be between 0 and 65535.
      • A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘rtmp’, ‘acr-nema’, ‘afbackup’, ‘afmbackup’, ‘afpovertcp’, ‘afs3-bos’, ‘afs3-callback’, ‘afs3-errors’, ‘afs3-fileserver’, ‘afs3-kaserver’, ‘afs3-prserver’, ‘afs3-rmtsys’, ‘afs3-update’, ‘afs3-vlserver’, ‘afs3-volser’, ‘amanda’, ‘amandaidx’, ‘amidxtape’, ‘amqp’, ‘aol’, ‘asf-rmcp’, ‘asp’, ‘at-echo’, ‘at-nbp’, ‘at-rtmp’, ‘at-zis’, ‘auth’, ‘bacula-dir’, ‘bacula-fd’, ‘bacula-sd’, ‘bgp’, ‘bgpd’, ‘bgpsim’, ‘biff’, ‘binkp’, ‘bootpc’, ‘bootps’, ‘bpcd’, ‘bpdbm’, ‘bpjava-msvc’, ‘bprd’, ‘canna’, ‘cfengine’, ‘cfinger’, ‘chargen’, ‘cisco-sccp’, ‘clc-build-daemon’, ‘clearcase’, ‘cmip-agent’, ‘cmip-man’, ‘codaauth2’, ‘codasrv’, ‘codasrv-se’, ‘conference’, ‘courier’, ‘csnet-ns’, ‘csync2’, ‘customs’, ‘cvspserver’, ‘daap’, ‘datametrics’, ‘daytime’, ‘db-lsp’, ‘dcap’, ‘dhcpv6-client’, ‘dhcpv6-server’, ‘dicom’, ‘dict’, ‘dircproxy’, ‘discard’, ‘distcc’, ‘distmp3’, ‘domain’, ‘echo’, ‘eklogin’, ‘enbd-cstatd’, ‘enbd-sstatd’, ‘epmd’, ‘exec’, ‘f5-globalsite’, ‘f5-iquery’, ‘fatserv’, ‘fax’, ‘fido’, ‘finger’, ‘font-service’, ‘freeciv’, ‘frox’, ‘fsp’, ‘ftp’, ‘ftp-data’, ‘ftps’, ‘ftps-data’, ‘gdomap’, ‘gds-db’, ‘ggz’, ‘git’, ‘gnunet’, ‘gnutella-rtr’, ‘gnutella-svc’, ‘gopher’, ‘gpsd’, ‘gris’, ‘groupwise’, ‘gsidcap’, ‘gsiftp’, ‘gsigatekeeper’, ‘hkp’, ‘hmmp-ind’, ‘hostmon’, ‘hostnames’, ‘http’, ‘http-alt’, ‘https’, ‘hylafax’, ‘iax’, ‘icpv2’, ‘idfp’, ‘imap2’, ‘imap3’, ‘imaps’, ‘imsp’, ‘ingreslock’, ‘ipp’, ‘iprop’, ‘ipsec-nat-t’, ‘ipx’, ‘irc’, ‘ircd’, ‘ircs’, ‘isakmp’, ‘iscsi-target’, ‘isdnlog’, ‘isisd’, ‘iso-tsap’, ‘kamanda’, ‘kazaa’, ‘kerberos4’, ‘kerberos’, ‘kerberos-adm’, ‘kerberos-master’, ‘kermit’, ‘klogin’, ‘knetd’, ‘kpasswd’, ‘kpop’, ‘krb-prop’, ‘krbupdate’, ‘kshell’, ‘kx’, ‘l2f’, ‘ldap’, ‘ldaps’, ‘link’, ‘linuxconf’, ‘loc-srv’, ‘login’, ‘log-server’, ‘lotusnote’, ‘mailq’, ‘mandelspawn’, ‘mdns’, ‘microsoft-ds’, ‘mmcc’, ‘moira-db’, ‘moira-update’, ‘moira-ureg’, ‘mon’, ‘mrtd’, ‘msnp’, ‘msp’, ‘ms-sql-m’, ‘ms-sql-s’, ‘mtn’, ‘mtp’, ‘munin’, ‘mysql’, ‘mysql-proxy’, ‘nameserver’, ‘nbd’, ‘nbp’, ‘nessus’, ‘netbios-dgm’, ‘netbios-ns’, ‘netbios-ssn’, ‘netnews’, ‘netstat’, ‘netwall’, ‘nextstep’, ‘nfs’, ‘ninstall’, ‘nntp’, ‘nntps’, ‘noclog’, ‘npmp-gui’, ‘npmp-local’, ‘nqs’, ‘nrpe’, ‘nsca’, ‘ntalk’, ‘ntp’, ‘nut’, ‘omirr’, ‘omniorb’, ‘openvpn’, ‘ospf6d’, ‘ospfapi’, ‘ospfd’, ‘passwd-server’, ‘pawserv’, ‘pcrd’, ‘pipe-server’, ‘pop2’, ‘pop3’, ‘pop3s’, ‘poppassd’, ‘postgresql’, ‘predict’, ‘printer’, ‘proofd’, ‘prospero’, ‘prospero-np’, ‘pwdgen’, ‘qmqp’, ‘qmtp’, ‘qotd’, ‘radius’, ‘radius-acct’, ‘radmin-port’, ‘re-mail-ck’, ‘remctl’, ‘remotefs’, ‘remoteping’, ‘rfe’, ‘ripd’, ‘ripngd’, ‘rje’, ‘rlp’, ‘rmiregistry’, ‘rmtcfg’, ‘rootd’, ‘route’, ‘rpc2portmap’, ‘rplay’, ‘rsync’, ‘rtcm-sc104’, ‘rtelnet’, ‘rtsp’, ‘saft’, ‘sa-msg-port’, ‘sane-port’, ‘search’, ‘sftp’, ‘sge-execd’, ‘sge-qmaster’, ‘sgi-cad’, ‘sgi-cmsd’, ‘sgi-crsd’, ‘sgi-gcd’, ‘shell’, ‘sieve’, ‘silc’, ‘sip’, ‘sip-tls’, ‘skkserv’, ‘smsqp’, ‘smtp’, ‘smux’, ‘snmp’, ‘snmp-trap’, ‘snpp’, ‘socks’, ‘spamd’, ‘ssh’, ‘submission’, ‘sunrpc’, ‘supdup’, ‘supfiledbg’, ‘supfilesrv’, ‘support’, ‘suucp’, ‘svn’, ‘svrloc’, ‘swat’, ‘syslog’, ‘syslog-tls’, ‘sysrqd’, ‘systat’, ‘tacacs’, ‘tacacs-ds’, ‘talk’, ‘tcpmux’, ‘telnet’, ‘telnets’, ‘tempo’, ‘tfido’, ‘tftp’, ‘time’, ‘timed’, ‘tinc’, ‘tproxy’, ‘ulistserv’, ‘unix-status’, ‘urd’, ‘uucp’, ‘uucp-path’, ‘vboxd’, ‘venus’, ‘venus-se’, ‘vnetd’, ‘vopied’, ‘webmin’, ‘webster’, ‘who’, ‘whois’, ‘wipld’, ‘wnn6’, ‘x11-1’, ‘x11-2’, ‘x11-3’, ‘x11-4’, ‘x11-5’, ‘x11’, ‘x11-6’, ‘x11-7’, ‘xdmcp’, ‘xinetd’, ‘xmms2’, ‘xmpp-client’, ‘xmpp-server’, ‘xpilot’, ‘xtel’, ‘xtell’, ‘xtelw’, ‘z3950’, ‘zabbix-agent’, ‘zabbix-trapper’, ‘zebra’, ‘zebrasrv’, ‘zephyr-clt’, ‘zephyr-hm’, ‘zephyr-srv’, ‘zip’, ‘zope’, ‘zope-ftp’, ‘zserv’ are allowed.

      Force to use IPv4 is a flag to only use resolved IPv4 address for host.

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


      Force to use IPv6 is a flag to only use resolved IPv6 address for host.

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


      Username is the username to use for the connection.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Password is the password for user based authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Private Key is the private key file to use for OpenSSH authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Passphrase is the passphrase used to decrypt an encrypted private key.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Local Hostname is the host used for hostbased user authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Local User is the username used for hostbased user authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Keepalive Interval is the interval for the keepalive packets to be send.

      A time interval as float, in time format or as text which may use a combination of values with the units: ms, s, m, h, d which is optional and will be set to 1000 if not specified. The result will be given as the number of ms. A numeric floating point number.


      Keepalive Tries are the number of unanswered SSH-level keepalive packets that can be sent to the server before disconnection.

      An integer value which is optional. The value should be greater than 0.


      Ready TImeout is the time to wait for the ssh handshake to succeed.

      A time interval as float, in time format or as text which may use a combination of values with the units: ms, s, m, h, d which is optional and will be set to 20000 if not specified. The result will be given as the number of ms. A numeric floating point number.


      Strict Vendor Check is a flag to performs a strict server vendor check before sending vendor-specific requests, etc…

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


      Algotithms are the transport layer algorithms to use.

      A list which is optional. Each entry has to be of type string:

      Algorithm is an allowed transport layer algorithm.

      A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘kex’, ‘cipher’, ‘serverHostKey’, ‘hmac’, ‘compress’ are allowed.


      Compression is a flag to enable compression if server supports it or force it.

      It has to be one of the following types (optional):

      • Force Compression is a setting to force compression use.

        A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘force’ are allowed.

      • Compression Allowed is a flag to allow/disallow compression.

        A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false.


      Extended Debug is the DEBUG=exec.ssh messages are extended with server communication.

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional. The list will be shuffled to get a random order.



This defines the tunnel which has to be established on a ssh connection.The remote server may be given here or a reference name to the previous server section.

Tunnel Setup List is the setup of ssh tunnels.

An object. The entries are:

  • any key: Tunnel Setup is the setup of a ssh tunnel.

    An object which is optional. The following keys have to be present: remote. The following keys are allowed: host, port, localHost, localPort. The following entries have a specific format:


    SSH Connection is the ssh connection to use.

    It has to be one of the following types:

    • SSH Connection Reference is the reference name for an defined ssh connection under config ‘/ssh/NAME’.

      A text entry in which all control characters will be removed.

    • SSH Connections are a list of ssh connection alternatives.

      A list. Each entry has to be of type object:

      SSH Connection is a ssh connection setting.

      An object with the following keys have to be present: host, port. The following keys are allowed: forceIPv4, forceIPv6, username, password, privateKey, passphrase, localHostname, localUsername, keepaliveInterval, keepaliveCountMax, readyTimeout, strictVendor, algorithms, compress, debug. The following entries have a specific format:


      Hostname or IP Address is the hostname or IP address to connect to.

      It has to be one of the following types:

      • Hostname is the hostname to connect to.

        A valid hostname. This has to be a valid name according to RFC 1123

      • IP Address is the IP address to connect to.

        A valid IP address as string.


      Port Number is the port on which to connect using ssh protocol.

      A TCP/UDP port number or name which is optional and will be set to 22 if not specified. It has to be one of the following types:

      • An integer value. The value should be between 0 and 65535.
      • A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘rtmp’, ‘acr-nema’, ‘afbackup’, ‘afmbackup’, ‘afpovertcp’, ‘afs3-bos’, ‘afs3-callback’, ‘afs3-errors’, ‘afs3-fileserver’, ‘afs3-kaserver’, ‘afs3-prserver’, ‘afs3-rmtsys’, ‘afs3-update’, ‘afs3-vlserver’, ‘afs3-volser’, ‘amanda’, ‘amandaidx’, ‘amidxtape’, ‘amqp’, ‘aol’, ‘asf-rmcp’, ‘asp’, ‘at-echo’, ‘at-nbp’, ‘at-rtmp’, ‘at-zis’, ‘auth’, ‘bacula-dir’, ‘bacula-fd’, ‘bacula-sd’, ‘bgp’, ‘bgpd’, ‘bgpsim’, ‘biff’, ‘binkp’, ‘bootpc’, ‘bootps’, ‘bpcd’, ‘bpdbm’, ‘bpjava-msvc’, ‘bprd’, ‘canna’, ‘cfengine’, ‘cfinger’, ‘chargen’, ‘cisco-sccp’, ‘clc-build-daemon’, ‘clearcase’, ‘cmip-agent’, ‘cmip-man’, ‘codaauth2’, ‘codasrv’, ‘codasrv-se’, ‘conference’, ‘courier’, ‘csnet-ns’, ‘csync2’, ‘customs’, ‘cvspserver’, ‘daap’, ‘datametrics’, ‘daytime’, ‘db-lsp’, ‘dcap’, ‘dhcpv6-client’, ‘dhcpv6-server’, ‘dicom’, ‘dict’, ‘dircproxy’, ‘discard’, ‘distcc’, ‘distmp3’, ‘domain’, ‘echo’, ‘eklogin’, ‘enbd-cstatd’, ‘enbd-sstatd’, ‘epmd’, ‘exec’, ‘f5-globalsite’, ‘f5-iquery’, ‘fatserv’, ‘fax’, ‘fido’, ‘finger’, ‘font-service’, ‘freeciv’, ‘frox’, ‘fsp’, ‘ftp’, ‘ftp-data’, ‘ftps’, ‘ftps-data’, ‘gdomap’, ‘gds-db’, ‘ggz’, ‘git’, ‘gnunet’, ‘gnutella-rtr’, ‘gnutella-svc’, ‘gopher’, ‘gpsd’, ‘gris’, ‘groupwise’, ‘gsidcap’, ‘gsiftp’, ‘gsigatekeeper’, ‘hkp’, ‘hmmp-ind’, ‘hostmon’, ‘hostnames’, ‘http’, ‘http-alt’, ‘https’, ‘hylafax’, ‘iax’, ‘icpv2’, ‘idfp’, ‘imap2’, ‘imap3’, ‘imaps’, ‘imsp’, ‘ingreslock’, ‘ipp’, ‘iprop’, ‘ipsec-nat-t’, ‘ipx’, ‘irc’, ‘ircd’, ‘ircs’, ‘isakmp’, ‘iscsi-target’, ‘isdnlog’, ‘isisd’, ‘iso-tsap’, ‘kamanda’, ‘kazaa’, ‘kerberos4’, ‘kerberos’, ‘kerberos-adm’, ‘kerberos-master’, ‘kermit’, ‘klogin’, ‘knetd’, ‘kpasswd’, ‘kpop’, ‘krb-prop’, ‘krbupdate’, ‘kshell’, ‘kx’, ‘l2f’, ‘ldap’, ‘ldaps’, ‘link’, ‘linuxconf’, ‘loc-srv’, ‘login’, ‘log-server’, ‘lotusnote’, ‘mailq’, ‘mandelspawn’, ‘mdns’, ‘microsoft-ds’, ‘mmcc’, ‘moira-db’, ‘moira-update’, ‘moira-ureg’, ‘mon’, ‘mrtd’, ‘msnp’, ‘msp’, ‘ms-sql-m’, ‘ms-sql-s’, ‘mtn’, ‘mtp’, ‘munin’, ‘mysql’, ‘mysql-proxy’, ‘nameserver’, ‘nbd’, ‘nbp’, ‘nessus’, ‘netbios-dgm’, ‘netbios-ns’, ‘netbios-ssn’, ‘netnews’, ‘netstat’, ‘netwall’, ‘nextstep’, ‘nfs’, ‘ninstall’, ‘nntp’, ‘nntps’, ‘noclog’, ‘npmp-gui’, ‘npmp-local’, ‘nqs’, ‘nrpe’, ‘nsca’, ‘ntalk’, ‘ntp’, ‘nut’, ‘omirr’, ‘omniorb’, ‘openvpn’, ‘ospf6d’, ‘ospfapi’, ‘ospfd’, ‘passwd-server’, ‘pawserv’, ‘pcrd’, ‘pipe-server’, ‘pop2’, ‘pop3’, ‘pop3s’, ‘poppassd’, ‘postgresql’, ‘predict’, ‘printer’, ‘proofd’, ‘prospero’, ‘prospero-np’, ‘pwdgen’, ‘qmqp’, ‘qmtp’, ‘qotd’, ‘radius’, ‘radius-acct’, ‘radmin-port’, ‘re-mail-ck’, ‘remctl’, ‘remotefs’, ‘remoteping’, ‘rfe’, ‘ripd’, ‘ripngd’, ‘rje’, ‘rlp’, ‘rmiregistry’, ‘rmtcfg’, ‘rootd’, ‘route’, ‘rpc2portmap’, ‘rplay’, ‘rsync’, ‘rtcm-sc104’, ‘rtelnet’, ‘rtsp’, ‘saft’, ‘sa-msg-port’, ‘sane-port’, ‘search’, ‘sftp’, ‘sge-execd’, ‘sge-qmaster’, ‘sgi-cad’, ‘sgi-cmsd’, ‘sgi-crsd’, ‘sgi-gcd’, ‘shell’, ‘sieve’, ‘silc’, ‘sip’, ‘sip-tls’, ‘skkserv’, ‘smsqp’, ‘smtp’, ‘smux’, ‘snmp’, ‘snmp-trap’, ‘snpp’, ‘socks’, ‘spamd’, ‘ssh’, ‘submission’, ‘sunrpc’, ‘supdup’, ‘supfiledbg’, ‘supfilesrv’, ‘support’, ‘suucp’, ‘svn’, ‘svrloc’, ‘swat’, ‘syslog’, ‘syslog-tls’, ‘sysrqd’, ‘systat’, ‘tacacs’, ‘tacacs-ds’, ‘talk’, ‘tcpmux’, ‘telnet’, ‘telnets’, ‘tempo’, ‘tfido’, ‘tftp’, ‘time’, ‘timed’, ‘tinc’, ‘tproxy’, ‘ulistserv’, ‘unix-status’, ‘urd’, ‘uucp’, ‘uucp-path’, ‘vboxd’, ‘venus’, ‘venus-se’, ‘vnetd’, ‘vopied’, ‘webmin’, ‘webster’, ‘who’, ‘whois’, ‘wipld’, ‘wnn6’, ‘x11-1’, ‘x11-2’, ‘x11-3’, ‘x11-4’, ‘x11-5’, ‘x11’, ‘x11-6’, ‘x11-7’, ‘xdmcp’, ‘xinetd’, ‘xmms2’, ‘xmpp-client’, ‘xmpp-server’, ‘xpilot’, ‘xtel’, ‘xtell’, ‘xtelw’, ‘z3950’, ‘zabbix-agent’, ‘zabbix-trapper’, ‘zebra’, ‘zebrasrv’, ‘zephyr-clt’, ‘zephyr-hm’, ‘zephyr-srv’, ‘zip’, ‘zope’, ‘zope-ftp’, ‘zserv’ are allowed.

      Force to use IPv4 is a flag to only use resolved IPv4 address for host.

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


      Force to use IPv6 is a flag to only use resolved IPv6 address for host.

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


      Username is the username to use for the connection.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Password is the password for user based authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Private Key is the private key file to use for OpenSSH authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Passphrase is the passphrase used to decrypt an encrypted private key.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Local Hostname is the host used for hostbased user authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Local User is the username used for hostbased user authentication.

      A text entry which is optional. All control characters will be removed.


      Keepalive Interval is the interval for the keepalive packets to be send.

      A time interval as float, in time format or as text which may use a combination of values with the units: ms, s, m, h, d which is optional and will be set to 1000 if not specified. The result will be given as the number of ms. A numeric floating point number.


      Keepalive Tries are the number of unanswered SSH-level keepalive packets that can be sent to the server before disconnection.

      An integer value which is optional. The value should be greater than 0.


      Ready TImeout is the time to wait for the ssh handshake to succeed.

      A time interval as float, in time format or as text which may use a combination of values with the units: ms, s, m, h, d which is optional and will be set to 20000 if not specified. The result will be given as the number of ms. A numeric floating point number.


      Strict Vendor Check is a flag to performs a strict server vendor check before sending vendor-specific requests, etc…

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional.


      Algotithms are the transport layer algorithms to use.

      A list which is optional. Each entry has to be of type string:

      Algorithm is an allowed transport layer algorithm.

      A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘kex’, ‘cipher’, ‘serverHostKey’, ‘hmac’, ‘compress’ are allowed.


      Compression is a flag to enable compression if server supports it or force it.

      It has to be one of the following types (optional):

      • Force Compression is a setting to force compression use.

        A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘force’ are allowed.

      • Compression Allowed is a flag to allow/disallow compression.

        A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false.


      Extended Debug is the DEBUG=exec.ssh messages are extended with server communication.

      A boolean value, which will be true for ‘true’, ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘yes’, ‘+’, 1, true and will be considered as false for ‘false’, ‘0’, ‘off’, ‘no’, ‘-’, 0, false. It’s optional. The list will be shuffled to get a random order.


    Host is the hostname or ip address which to tunnel.

    It has to be one of the following types:

    • Hostname is the hostname which is tunneled.

      A valid hostname. This has to be a valid name according to RFC 1123

    • IP Address is the IP address which is tunneled.

      A valid IP address as string.


    Port is port to tunnel.

    A TCP/UDP port number or name. It has to be one of the following types:

    • An integer value. The value should be between 0 and 65535.
    • A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘rtmp’, ‘acr-nema’, ‘afbackup’, ‘afmbackup’, ‘afpovertcp’, ‘afs3-bos’, ‘afs3-callback’, ‘afs3-errors’, ‘afs3-fileserver’, ‘afs3-kaserver’, ‘afs3-prserver’, ‘afs3-rmtsys’, ‘afs3-update’, ‘afs3-vlserver’, ‘afs3-volser’, ‘amanda’, ‘amandaidx’, ‘amidxtape’, ‘amqp’, ‘aol’, ‘asf-rmcp’, ‘asp’, ‘at-echo’, ‘at-nbp’, ‘at-rtmp’, ‘at-zis’, ‘auth’, ‘bacula-dir’, ‘bacula-fd’, ‘bacula-sd’, ‘bgp’, ‘bgpd’, ‘bgpsim’, ‘biff’, ‘binkp’, ‘bootpc’, ‘bootps’, ‘bpcd’, ‘bpdbm’, ‘bpjava-msvc’, ‘bprd’, ‘canna’, ‘cfengine’, ‘cfinger’, ‘chargen’, ‘cisco-sccp’, ‘clc-build-daemon’, ‘clearcase’, ‘cmip-agent’, ‘cmip-man’, ‘codaauth2’, ‘codasrv’, ‘codasrv-se’, ‘conference’, ‘courier’, ‘csnet-ns’, ‘csync2’, ‘customs’, ‘cvspserver’, ‘daap’, ‘datametrics’, ‘daytime’, ‘db-lsp’, ‘dcap’, ‘dhcpv6-client’, ‘dhcpv6-server’, ‘dicom’, ‘dict’, ‘dircproxy’, ‘discard’, ‘distcc’, ‘distmp3’, ‘domain’, ‘echo’, ‘eklogin’, ‘enbd-cstatd’, ‘enbd-sstatd’, ‘epmd’, ‘exec’, ‘f5-globalsite’, ‘f5-iquery’, ‘fatserv’, ‘fax’, ‘fido’, ‘finger’, ‘font-service’, ‘freeciv’, ‘frox’, ‘fsp’, ‘ftp’, ‘ftp-data’, ‘ftps’, ‘ftps-data’, ‘gdomap’, ‘gds-db’, ‘ggz’, ‘git’, ‘gnunet’, ‘gnutella-rtr’, ‘gnutella-svc’, ‘gopher’, ‘gpsd’, ‘gris’, ‘groupwise’, ‘gsidcap’, ‘gsiftp’, ‘gsigatekeeper’, ‘hkp’, ‘hmmp-ind’, ‘hostmon’, ‘hostnames’, ‘http’, ‘http-alt’, ‘https’, ‘hylafax’, ‘iax’, ‘icpv2’, ‘idfp’, ‘imap2’, ‘imap3’, ‘imaps’, ‘imsp’, ‘ingreslock’, ‘ipp’, ‘iprop’, ‘ipsec-nat-t’, ‘ipx’, ‘irc’, ‘ircd’, ‘ircs’, ‘isakmp’, ‘iscsi-target’, ‘isdnlog’, ‘isisd’, ‘iso-tsap’, ‘kamanda’, ‘kazaa’, ‘kerberos4’, ‘kerberos’, ‘kerberos-adm’, ‘kerberos-master’, ‘kermit’, ‘klogin’, ‘knetd’, ‘kpasswd’, ‘kpop’, ‘krb-prop’, ‘krbupdate’, ‘kshell’, ‘kx’, ‘l2f’, ‘ldap’, ‘ldaps’, ‘link’, ‘linuxconf’, ‘loc-srv’, ‘login’, ‘log-server’, ‘lotusnote’, ‘mailq’, ‘mandelspawn’, ‘mdns’, ‘microsoft-ds’, ‘mmcc’, ‘moira-db’, ‘moira-update’, ‘moira-ureg’, ‘mon’, ‘mrtd’, ‘msnp’, ‘msp’, ‘ms-sql-m’, ‘ms-sql-s’, ‘mtn’, ‘mtp’, ‘munin’, ‘mysql’, ‘mysql-proxy’, ‘nameserver’, ‘nbd’, ‘nbp’, ‘nessus’, ‘netbios-dgm’, ‘netbios-ns’, ‘netbios-ssn’, ‘netnews’, ‘netstat’, ‘netwall’, ‘nextstep’, ‘nfs’, ‘ninstall’, ‘nntp’, ‘nntps’, ‘noclog’, ‘npmp-gui’, ‘npmp-local’, ‘nqs’, ‘nrpe’, ‘nsca’, ‘ntalk’, ‘ntp’, ‘nut’, ‘omirr’, ‘omniorb’, ‘openvpn’, ‘ospf6d’, ‘ospfapi’, ‘ospfd’, ‘passwd-server’, ‘pawserv’, ‘pcrd’, ‘pipe-server’, ‘pop2’, ‘pop3’, ‘pop3s’, ‘poppassd’, ‘postgresql’, ‘predict’, ‘printer’, ‘proofd’, ‘prospero’, ‘prospero-np’, ‘pwdgen’, ‘qmqp’, ‘qmtp’, ‘qotd’, ‘radius’, ‘radius-acct’, ‘radmin-port’, ‘re-mail-ck’, ‘remctl’, ‘remotefs’, ‘remoteping’, ‘rfe’, ‘ripd’, ‘ripngd’, ‘rje’, ‘rlp’, ‘rmiregistry’, ‘rmtcfg’, ‘rootd’, ‘route’, ‘rpc2portmap’, ‘rplay’, ‘rsync’, ‘rtcm-sc104’, ‘rtelnet’, ‘rtsp’, ‘saft’, ‘sa-msg-port’, ‘sane-port’, ‘search’, ‘sftp’, ‘sge-execd’, ‘sge-qmaster’, ‘sgi-cad’, ‘sgi-cmsd’, ‘sgi-crsd’, ‘sgi-gcd’, ‘shell’, ‘sieve’, ‘silc’, ‘sip’, ‘sip-tls’, ‘skkserv’, ‘smsqp’, ‘smtp’, ‘smux’, ‘snmp’, ‘snmp-trap’, ‘snpp’, ‘socks’, ‘spamd’, ‘ssh’, ‘submission’, ‘sunrpc’, ‘supdup’, ‘supfiledbg’, ‘supfilesrv’, ‘support’, ‘suucp’, ‘svn’, ‘svrloc’, ‘swat’, ‘syslog’, ‘syslog-tls’, ‘sysrqd’, ‘systat’, ‘tacacs’, ‘tacacs-ds’, ‘talk’, ‘tcpmux’, ‘telnet’, ‘telnets’, ‘tempo’, ‘tfido’, ‘tftp’, ‘time’, ‘timed’, ‘tinc’, ‘tproxy’, ‘ulistserv’, ‘unix-status’, ‘urd’, ‘uucp’, ‘uucp-path’, ‘vboxd’, ‘venus’, ‘venus-se’, ‘vnetd’, ‘vopied’, ‘webmin’, ‘webster’, ‘who’, ‘whois’, ‘wipld’, ‘wnn6’, ‘x11-1’, ‘x11-2’, ‘x11-3’, ‘x11-4’, ‘x11-5’, ‘x11’, ‘x11-6’, ‘x11-7’, ‘xdmcp’, ‘xinetd’, ‘xmms2’, ‘xmpp-client’, ‘xmpp-server’, ‘xpilot’, ‘xtel’, ‘xtell’, ‘xtelw’, ‘z3950’, ‘zabbix-agent’, ‘zabbix-trapper’, ‘zebra’, ‘zebrasrv’, ‘zephyr-clt’, ‘zephyr-hm’, ‘zephyr-srv’, ‘zip’, ‘zope’, ‘zope-ftp’, ‘zserv’ are allowed.

    Local IP is the local ip where the tunnel will be setup.

    A valid IP address as string which is optional and will be set to '' if not specified.


    Local Port is the local port to bind to the tunnel.

    A TCP/UDP port number or name which is optional and will be set to 8000 if not specified. It has to be one of the following types:

    • An integer value. The value should be between 0 and 65535.
    • A text entry in which all control characters will be removed. Only the values: ‘rtmp’, ‘acr-nema’, ‘afbackup’, ‘afmbackup’, ‘afpovertcp’, ‘afs3-bos’, ‘afs3-callback’, ‘afs3-errors’, ‘afs3-fileserver’, ‘afs3-kaserver’, ‘afs3-prserver’, ‘afs3-rmtsys’, ‘afs3-update’, ‘afs3-vlserver’, ‘afs3-volser’, ‘amanda’, ‘amandaidx’, ‘amidxtape’, ‘amqp’, ‘aol’, ‘asf-rmcp’, ‘asp’, ‘at-echo’, ‘at-nbp’, ‘at-rtmp’, ‘at-zis’, ‘auth’, ‘bacula-dir’, ‘bacula-fd’, ‘bacula-sd’, ‘bgp’, ‘bgpd’, ‘bgpsim’, ‘biff’, ‘binkp’, ‘bootpc’, ‘bootps’, ‘bpcd’, ‘bpdbm’, ‘bpjava-msvc’, ‘bprd’, ‘canna’, ‘cfengine’, ‘cfinger’, ‘chargen’, ‘cisco-sccp’, ‘clc-build-daemon’, ‘clearcase’, ‘cmip-agent’, ‘cmip-man’, ‘codaauth2’, ‘codasrv’, ‘codasrv-se’, ‘conference’, ‘courier’, ‘csnet-ns’, ‘csync2’, ‘customs’, ‘cvspserver’, ‘daap’, ‘datametrics’, ‘daytime’, ‘db-lsp’, ‘dcap’, ‘dhcpv6-client’, ‘dhcpv6-server’, ‘dicom’, ‘dict’, ‘dircproxy’, ‘discard’, ‘distcc’, ‘distmp3’, ‘domain’, ‘echo’, ‘eklogin’, ‘enbd-cstatd’, ‘enbd-sstatd’, ‘epmd’, ‘exec’, ‘f5-globalsite’, ‘f5-iquery’, ‘fatserv’, ‘fax’, ‘fido’, ‘finger’, ‘font-service’, ‘freeciv’, ‘frox’, ‘fsp’, ‘ftp’, ‘ftp-data’, ‘ftps’, ‘ftps-data’, ‘gdomap’, ‘gds-db’, ‘ggz’, ‘git’, ‘gnunet’, ‘gnutella-rtr’, ‘gnutella-svc’, ‘gopher’, ‘gpsd’, ‘gris’, ‘groupwise’, ‘gsidcap’, ‘gsiftp’, ‘gsigatekeeper’, ‘hkp’, ‘hmmp-ind’, ‘hostmon’, ‘hostnames’, ‘http’, ‘http-alt’, ‘https’, ‘hylafax’, ‘iax’, ‘icpv2’, ‘idfp’, ‘imap2’, ‘imap3’, ‘imaps’, ‘imsp’, ‘ingreslock’, ‘ipp’, ‘iprop’, ‘ipsec-nat-t’, ‘ipx’, ‘irc’, ‘ircd’, ‘ircs’, ‘isakmp’, ‘iscsi-target’, ‘isdnlog’, ‘isisd’, ‘iso-tsap’, ‘kamanda’, ‘kazaa’, ‘kerberos4’, ‘kerberos’, ‘kerberos-adm’, ‘kerberos-master’, ‘kermit’, ‘klogin’, ‘knetd’, ‘kpasswd’, ‘kpop’, ‘krb-prop’, ‘krbupdate’, ‘kshell’, ‘kx’, ‘l2f’, ‘ldap’, ‘ldaps’, ‘link’, ‘linuxconf’, ‘loc-srv’, ‘login’, ‘log-server’, ‘lotusnote’, ‘mailq’, ‘mandelspawn’, ‘mdns’, ‘microsoft-ds’, ‘mmcc’, ‘moira-db’, ‘moira-update’, ‘moira-ureg’, ‘mon’, ‘mrtd’, ‘msnp’, ‘msp’, ‘ms-sql-m’, ‘ms-sql-s’, ‘mtn’, ‘mtp’, ‘munin’, ‘mysql’, ‘mysql-proxy’, ‘nameserver’, ‘nbd’, ‘nbp’, ‘nessus’, ‘netbios-dgm’, ‘netbios-ns’, ‘netbios-ssn’, ‘netnews’, ‘netstat’, ‘netwall’, ‘nextstep’, ‘nfs’, ‘ninstall’, ‘nntp’, ‘nntps’, ‘noclog’, ‘npmp-gui’, ‘npmp-local’, ‘nqs’, ‘nrpe’, ‘nsca’, ‘ntalk’, ‘ntp’, ‘nut’, ‘omirr’, ‘omniorb’, ‘openvpn’, ‘ospf6d’, ‘ospfapi’, ‘ospfd’, ‘passwd-server’, ‘pawserv’, ‘pcrd’, ‘pipe-server’, ‘pop2’, ‘pop3’, ‘pop3s’, ‘poppassd’, ‘postgresql’, ‘predict’, ‘printer’, ‘proofd’, ‘prospero’, ‘prospero-np’, ‘pwdgen’, ‘qmqp’, ‘qmtp’, ‘qotd’, ‘radius’, ‘radius-acct’, ‘radmin-port’, ‘re-mail-ck’, ‘remctl’, ‘remotefs’, ‘remoteping’, ‘rfe’, ‘ripd’, ‘ripngd’, ‘rje’, ‘rlp’, ‘rmiregistry’, ‘rmtcfg’, ‘rootd’, ‘route’, ‘rpc2portmap’, ‘rplay’, ‘rsync’, ‘rtcm-sc104’, ‘rtelnet’, ‘rtsp’, ‘saft’, ‘sa-msg-port’, ‘sane-port’, ‘search’, ‘sftp’, ‘sge-execd’, ‘sge-qmaster’, ‘sgi-cad’, ‘sgi-cmsd’, ‘sgi-crsd’, ‘sgi-gcd’, ‘shell’, ‘sieve’, ‘silc’, ‘sip’, ‘sip-tls’, ‘skkserv’, ‘smsqp’, ‘smtp’, ‘smux’, ‘snmp’, ‘snmp-trap’, ‘snpp’, ‘socks’, ‘spamd’, ‘ssh’, ‘submission’, ‘sunrpc’, ‘supdup’, ‘supfiledbg’, ‘supfilesrv’, ‘support’, ‘suucp’, ‘svn’, ‘svrloc’, ‘swat’, ‘syslog’, ‘syslog-tls’, ‘sysrqd’, ‘systat’, ‘tacacs’, ‘tacacs-ds’, ‘talk’, ‘tcpmux’, ‘telnet’, ‘telnets’, ‘tempo’, ‘tfido’, ‘tftp’, ‘time’, ‘timed’, ‘tinc’, ‘tproxy’, ‘ulistserv’, ‘unix-status’, ‘urd’, ‘uucp’, ‘uucp-path’, ‘vboxd’, ‘venus’, ‘venus-se’, ‘vnetd’, ‘vopied’, ‘webmin’, ‘webster’, ‘who’, ‘whois’, ‘wipld’, ‘wnn6’, ‘x11-1’, ‘x11-2’, ‘x11-3’, ‘x11-4’, ‘x11-5’, ‘x11’, ‘x11-6’, ‘x11-7’, ‘xdmcp’, ‘xinetd’, ‘xmms2’, ‘xmpp-client’, ‘xmpp-server’, ‘xpilot’, ‘xtel’, ‘xtell’, ‘xtelw’, ‘z3950’, ‘zabbix-agent’, ‘zabbix-trapper’, ‘zebra’, ‘zebrasrv’, ‘zephyr-clt’, ‘zephyr-hm’, ‘zephyr-srv’, ‘zip’, ‘zope’, ‘zope-ftp’, ‘zserv’ are allowed.



The last part are the retry defaults used to make the connection more stable and allows you to configure an automatic retry loop while connecting to the remote machine with a short break. They are the defaults if nothing set within the connection.

Retry is the handling of retries on connecting.

An object which is optional. The following keys are allowed: times, interval. The following entries have a specific format:


Number of Tries are the number of times to try to connect.

An integer value which is optional. The value should be greater than 0.


Wait between Tries are the interval to wait (in milliseconds) between tries.

A time interval as float, in time format or as text which may use a combination of values with the units: ms, s, m, h, d which is optional. A numeric floating point number. The value should be greater than 0.