Handlebars Templates

This packages contains helper methods for the handlebars template engine. They can be used like the normal ones from within the templates.

With this package you may also use the helpers defined in the subpages of the manuel in addtion to the few default ones (documented below).

Handlebars is a simple web template system with minimal logic support. The templates written in this language will be compiled and executed with specific context to get the result. It’s main purpose is for HTML output but can be used for other text based formats, too.

An template may look like:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} <ul> {{#each users}} <li>{{firstname}} {{lastname}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> {% endraw %}

Expression Syntax

The Handlebars Expressions like seen above are written like (a double stash before, followed with the content to be evaluated, followed by a closing double stash):

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{ content goes here }} {% endraw %}

Special HTML characters are escaped automatically, but you may prevent this with the following syntax:


The content may be a variable to use, some control methods or special helper functions to include.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} Triple Stash {{{ }}} For Non-escape HTML {% endraw %}


This is how you add comments in a Handlebars template:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{! Whatever is inside this comment expression will not be outputted }} {% endraw %}

Or if your comment may contain other handlebars tokens use:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{!-- this may contain {{tokens}} and more --}} {% endraw %}

Instead of the regular HTML comments they will not be outputted to the user.


Blocks in Handlebars are expression that has a block, an opening {% raw %}{{# }}{% endraw %} followed by a closing {% raw %}{{/ }}{% endraw %}. See some more examples below.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#each}}Content goes here.{{/each}} {% endraw %}

Here is an if block

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#if someValueIsTrue}}Content goes here{{/if}} {% endraw %}


An helper is an additional method working with some content or variable. They may be used as simple functions or block expressions or both depending on it’s implementation.

Calls to a helper may also have literal values passed to them either as parameter arguments or hash arguments. See the helper’s description how it needs them.

Supported literals include numbers, strings, true, false, null and undefined.

Inline helpers are used as:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{helperName arg1 arg2 arg3 mapArg="val"}} {% endraw %}

Block helpers are used as:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#helperName arg 1 arg2}} other stuff {{/helperName}} {% endraw %}

Paths (with dot notation)

A path in Handlebars is a property lookup. If we have a name property that contains an object, such as:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} objData = {name: {firstName: "Michael", lastName:"Jackson"}} {% endraw %}

We can use nested paths (dot notation) to lookup the property you want, like this:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{name.firstName}} {% endraw %}

Parent Path …/

Handlebars also has a parent path …/ to lookup properties on parents of the current context. Thus with a data object such as this:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} shoesData = {groupName:"Celebrities", users:[{name:{firstName:"Mike", lastName:"Alexander" }}, {name:{firstName:"John", lastName:"Waters" }} ]}; {% endraw %}

We can use the parent path …/ to get the groupName property:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} <script id="shoe-template" type="x-handlebars-template"> {{#users}} <li>{{name.firstName}} {{name.lastName}} is in the {{../groupName}} group.</li> {{/users}} </script> {% endraw %}

Built-In Helpers

if (block)

A block in this condition will only be rendered if the given argument is empty or null.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#if author}} Author: {{firstName}} {{lastName}} {{/if}} {% endraw %}

It can also contain an alternative to use if not:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#if author}} Author: {{firstName}} {{lastName}} {{else}} No Author defined. {{/if}} {% endraw %}

And finally you can also chain multiple conditional blocks together:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#if isActive}} Is working now... {{else if isInactive}} Is inactive. {{else}} Unknown state. {{/if}} {% endraw %}

As an extended version of this operator you may also consider using the is block helper.

unless (block)

You can use the unless helper as the inverse of the if helper. His content will be rendered if the expression returns a falsy value.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#unless author}} No Author defined. {{/if}} {% endraw %}

As an extended version of this operator you may also consider using the is block helper.

each (block)

You can iterate over a list using this. Inside the block, you can use this to reference the element being iterated over.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#each people}} - {{this}} {{/each}} {% endraw %}

If it contains objects you may use their values:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#each people}} - {{first}} {{this.last}} {{else}} No people assigned! {{/each}} {% endraw %}

As you see you may use the this value explicitly or directly use the object’s properties. And like in the if helper an additional else part will be rendered if nothing to iterate is found.

When looping through items in each, you can optionally reference the current loop index with ‘@index’:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#each people}} {{@index}}: {{first}} {{this.last}} {{else}} No people assigned! {{/each}} {% endraw %}

Also the first and last steps of iteration are noted via the ‘@first’ and ‘@last’ variables when iterating over an array. When iterating over an object only the ’@first’ is available.

Nested each blocks may access the iteration variables via depth based paths. To access the parent index, for example, ‘{% raw %}{{@…/index}}{% endraw %}’ can be used.

The each helper also supports block parameters, allowing for named references anywhere in the block:

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#each array as |value key|}} {{#each child as |childValue childKey|}} {{key}} - {{childKey}}. {{childValue}} {{/each}} {{/each}} {% endraw %}

It is not usable on objects, only on lists or lists of objects but you may use Collection helpers as alternative.

with (block)

Normally, Handlebars templates are evaluated against the context passed into the compiled method. But you may shift the current context for a section of a template by using the built-in with block helper.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#with author}} Author: {{firstName}} {{lastName}} {{/with}} {% endraw %}

with can also be used with block parameters to define known references in the current block. The example above can be converted to

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#with author as |myAuthor|}} Author: {{myAuthor.firstName}} {{myAuthor.lastName}} {{/with}} {% endraw %}

This can also contain an else section which will display only when the passed value is empty.


The lookup helper allows for dynamic parameter resolution using Handlebars variables. This is useful for resolving values for array indexes.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{#each bar}} {{lookup ../foo @index}} {{/each}} {% endraw %}

raw (block)

Raw blocks are available for templates needing to handle unprocessed mustache blocks.

Handlebars Template
{% raw %} {{{{raw-helper}}}} {{bar}} {{{{/raw-helper}}}} {% endraw %}

This keeps the internal handlebars syntax untouched.