Path: /src/type/xml.coffee compiled to /lib/type/xml.js

The XML format should only use Tags and values, but no arguments.

Common file extension xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!-- use an object -->

  <!-- include a string -->

  <!-- and a list of numbers -->

  <!-- sub object -->
    <name>Alexander Schilling</name><job>Developer</job>

  <!-- cdata section -->
  <cdata><![CDATA[i'm not escaped: <xml>!]]></cdata>

  <!-- using attributes -->
  <attributes type="detail">
    Hello all together
    <sub>And specially you!</sub>


Format Options:

  • root - String name of the root element (default: ‘xml’)

Parse Options:

  • explicitRoot - Boolean keep the root element (default: false)
  • ignoreAttrs - Boolean ignore attribute settings (default: false)