include base modules |
yargs = require 'yargs'
chalk = require 'chalk'
path = require 'path'
include alinex modules |
fs = require 'alinex-fs'
logo = require('alinex-core').logo 'Script Console'
include classes and helpers |
scripter = require './index'
process.title = 'Scripter'
quiet = false
for a in ['--get-yargs-completions', 'bashrc', '-q', '--quiet']
quiet = true if a in process.argv
exit = (code = 0, err) ->
exit without error |
process.exit code unless err
exit with error |
console.error "FAILED: #{err.message}"
console.error err.description if err.description
process.exit code
process.on 'SIGINT', -> exit 130, new Error "Got SIGINT signal"
process.on 'SIGTERM', -> exit 143, new Error "Got SIGTERM signal"
process.on 'SIGHUP', -> exit 129, new Error "Got SIGHUP signal"
process.on 'SIGQUIT', -> exit 131, new Error "Got SIGQUIT signal"
process.on 'SIGABRT', -> exit 134, new Error "Got SIGABRT signal"
process.on 'exit', ->
console.log "Goodbye\n" unless quiet
unless quiet
console.log logo
console.log chalk.grey "Initializing..."
scripter.setup (err) ->
exit 16, err if err
Start argument parsing |
.usage "\nUsage: $0 <job> [options]"
.env 'SCRIPTER' # use environment arguments prefixed with SCRIPTER_
examples |
.example '$0 --update', 'to initialize and update the scripts'
.example '$0 <job>', 'to simply run the job script'
general options |
alias: 'h',
description: 'display help message'
alias: 'C'
describe: 'turn of color output'
type: 'boolean'
global: true
alias: 'v'
describe: 'run in verbose mode (multiple makes more verbose)'
count: true
global: true
alias: 'q'
describe: "don't output header and footer"
type: 'boolean'
global: true
alias: 'm'
describe: 'send report using email (address or template name)'
global: true
type: 'string'
alias: 'j'
description: 'json formatted data object'
global: true
type: 'string'
alias: 'u'
describe: 'update scripts'
type: 'boolean'
.group ['u'], 'Core Options:'
add the jobs |
jobs = path.join path.dirname(__dirname), 'var/lib/script/index.js'
if fs.existsSync jobs
jobs = require jobs
jobs.addTo yargs
help | 'help'
'Options:': 'General Options:'
'Commands:': 'Jobs:'
.epilogue """
You may use environment variables prefixed with 'SCRIPTER_' to set any of
the options like 'SCRIPTER_MAIL' to set the email address.
For more information, look into the man page.
.completion 'bashrc-script', false
validation |
.fail (err) ->
err = new Error "CLI #{err}"
err.description = 'Specify --help for available options'
exit 2, err
now parse the arguments |
args = yargs.argv
implement some global switches |
chalk.enabled = false if args.nocolors
unless args._.length
generall command |
unless args.update
exit 2, new Error "Nothing to do specify --help for available options"
console.log "Updating scripts..."
update scripts |
require('./update') (err) ->
exit 1, err if err