Package: alinex-database

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The database module allows connections to different databases easy configurable and usable with query language builder.

The main features are:

It is one of the modules of the Alinex Universe following the code standards defined in the General Docs.


NPM Downloads

The easiest way is to let npm add the module directly to your modules (from within you node modules directory):

npm install alinex-config - -save

And update it to the latest version later:

npm update alinex-config --save

Always have a look at the latest changes.


You can use different level of abstraction as you like.

Only connection handling

The following example shows a complete and simple query transaction using a mysql database:

# load the module
database = require 'alinex-database'

# get an instance
database.instance 'test-mysql', (err, db) ->
  throw err if err
  # get a new connection from the pool
  db.connect (err, conn) ->
    # query some values
    conn.query 'SELECT 2 + 2 AS solution', (err, rows, fields) ->
      throw err if err
      # do something with the results
      console.log 'The database calculated 2+2 =', rows[0].solution
      # give connection back
      # close database
      db.close (err) ->

The configuration for the connection is done in the database section of the configuration used via Config.

Easy Access

Instead of using the native conn... directly you may use the higher methods:

This may be called in three ways:

  1. call them on the database module: Therefore give the database alias as first parameter like: database.exec 'my-db', 'SELECT...', [data], (err) -> ...
  2. call them on the database instance: So you can remove the first parameter: db.exec 'SELECT...', [data], (err) -> ...
  3. also give a connection instance as first argument: This way you may run multiple commands on the same connection: db.exec conn, 'SELECT...', [data], (err) -> ...

If you run multiple queries on the same database better use solution (2) and if you have statements which use common variables or transactions you need to use (3).


Call with method (1) using the database module:

database.record 'my-database', 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE ID=5', (err, record) ->
  return cb err if err

Call with method (2) using the db instance:

database.instance 'my-database', (err, db) ->
  return cb err if err
  db.record 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE ID=5', (err, record) ->
    return cb err if err

Call with method (3) on connection:

database.instance 'my-database', (err, db) ->
  return cb err if err
  # get a new connection from the pool
  db.connect (err, conn) ->
    return cb err if err
    db.record conn, 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE ID=5', (err, record) ->
      return cb err if err
      # if you acquire a connection yourself don't forget to release it

Additional Possibilities:

With this methods you can also use one of the higher SQL Builders:

They make it easier readable and helps preventing problems. See the description below.


For large data sets, please use the native streaming possibilities till we can implement some common behavior here.


# Database setup
# =================================================

# Specific database
# -------------------------------------------------

  # optional you may use a ssh tunnel to connect through

    # hostname or ip to connect to
    host: localhost
    # connection port
    port:  ssh
    # user to login as
    username: alex
    # (optionally) private key for login
    privateKey: <<<file:///home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa>>>
    # time for sending keepalive packets
    keepaliveInterval: 1s
    #debug: true

  # database server

    # type of database (mysql, postgresql, sqlite, mongodb, elasticsearch)
    type: mysql

    # the host and port of the database, if no port given the default for
    # this type is used
    host: <<<env://MYSQL_HOST | localhost>>>
    #port: <<<env://MYSQL_PORT | 3306>>>

    # name of the database or catalog
    database: <<<env://MYSQL_DATABASE | test>>>

    # authentication on the database server
    user: <<<env://MYSQL_USER | test>>>
    password: <<<env://MYSQL_PASSWORD | >>>

    # specific database settings
    #charset: UTF8_GENERAL_CI
    #timezone: local

    # timeout settings
    #connectTimeout: 10s

  # specific settings for pooling

    # limit the parallel connections
    limit: 2


The different supported databases have a lot in common, but differ in some ways.

In general you always can use only the connection handling using db.connect() to get a connection of the database driver behind. If you want to use this directly look at the API behind each abstraction layer.


Use the Driver API if you want to work directly on the retrieved connections.

You can also use ? and ?? placeholder syntax from the driver.

Here you need to know that if you use '*' as field specifier the same name may occur multiple times in the result set, so that they override each over in the resulting object and the last one will be visible. To prevent this specify this columns with an alias name.


Use the Driver API if you want to work directly on the retrieved connections.

You can use the native $1... placeholder syntax or the common supported '?' syntax from the driver.

Placeholder Syntax

You may write your query like done normal as string but instead inserting the values and esacaping them you may use ? as a placeholder and give your values in an array. They will be automatically be replaced with their correct escaped value.

Therefore you give the dataset as the second argument:

conn.query 'SELECT name FROM address WHERE age > ? and name = ?',
[30, 'alf']

This will also format the date database specific. And you may also replace with objects:

conn.query 'INSERT INTO address SET ?',
  name: 'Alf'
  age: 56

Object to Query Language

The next possibility is to use a complete object notation instead of a string.

General Notation

To make the notation clean and prevent misleading situations the values have to be prefixed with:

All other values are used as is and quoted or converted like needed.

Relational Databases

Here you define your query like an object. The structure looks much like the SQL dialect itself to make it easy:

    select: '*'
    from: '@person'
      age: 30
      name: 'Alf'
  # SQL: SELECT * FROM `person` WHERE `age` = 30 AND `name` = 'Alf'

The object notation is easier to read and can be created step by step. Also the object will be validated if run with DEBUG=database* flag.

The following description will explain all the possible keys (uppermost level) of the object structure you give to create the SQL string.


First you can define a single value defining what you want.

select: '@name'       # column name
select: '*'           # all columns
select: '@person.*'   # all columns of table person

Or give an array with multiple values:

select: ['@name', '@age'] # fields array

To give each column a specific alias name use an object:

  PersonName: '@name'

And at last you may also use functions:

  $count: '*'
    $count: '*'


If set the query will only return distinct (different) records:

distinct: true


Give the tables or catalogs to use.

from: '@person'

Or as an array (using a full join):

from: ['@person', '@address']

Also this may be named:

  Person: @person

And with specific joins:

  Person: @person
      join: 'left'   # left, right, outer, inner
      on:            # join criteria
        ID: '@person.addressID'
          $gt: 5
# same defined as array
from: [
      join: 'left'   # left, right, outer, inner
      on:            # join criteria
        ID: '@Person.addressID'
          $gt: 5


Constraints can be defined using where. If no operator is given the field is checked against equality to the given value:

  age: 30

But you also can give any comparison operator of the ones listed below:

    $gt: 30



Group functions



Copyright 2015-2016 Alexander Schilling

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.